Meet our Team

Karun, a seasoned entrepreneur from Bombay with 35 years of experience in the Tyre Retreading Business and an engineering degree from the University of California, Berkeley, had always dreamt of retiring to Goa. However, he couldn't fathom a life without purpose in his newfound paradise. Determined to make the most of his retirement, Karun devised a unique plan—to produce barrel-aged Feni, the beloved liquor of Goa. This endeavour combined his passion for exploration, expertise, and entrepreneurial spirit, allowing him to embark on this exciting journey, infusing traditional Feni with the artistry of barrel aging.

Thomas Thomas

Ayesha honed her skills in product design at Parsons School of Design. With her expertise in design and branding, she played a pivotal role in shaping the identity and visual appeal of Sattari. Ayesha’s passion for both the artistry of product design and the intricacies of branding shines through in her contributions to the Sattari journey.

Thomas Thomas

Shafi Hassan & Laxmikant Naik are true Goans & they have been in love with feni since early adulthood. Their knowledge helped the Feni project identify the best source of Feni in the Sattari region. Their experience has helped refine Sattari to its current form.